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A sort of hard beauty

The desire to create is as fundamental a part of my being as is breathing. The act of creating is one of the surest, most innate aspects I find within myself. It is my backbone, my authenticity.


My artistic nature is connected to another world within, a place that defies definition. This manifests with a deeply personal, almost spiritual intention. In this sense, I am absolutely an intuitive creator. I spend little time in formulating and processing preliminary details... just enough to be dangerous. I've come to understand that getting out of my own way allows an equalized co-creation between myself and the medium at hand. It's a surprising and thrilling practice. Throughout my work I've utilized: ceramics, textiles, watercolor, polymer clay, music and more.


Although the breadth of my work is quite disparate, there are clear, fundamental through lines that inform and connect what I create: linearity and structure, juxtaposed with nature inspired organic references. It's a mashup of controlled chaos and elegance, with the slightest hint of irreverence... a sort of hard beauty. 


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